Galanty Miller’s Re-Tweets

    An “honest” Viagra commercial and other randomly generated observations   by Galanty Miller My son wouldn’t eat his vegetables. I said, “You’re a very bad boy.” My girlfriend was immediately attracted to him. She likes bad boys./ I...

On Location, France/Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret

  Chloé Bourguigon: Love or what’s left of it   by Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret Reviewer For Cloe Bourguigon love does not leave. Not totally. Like tobacco. Not totally. It’s a disease, an addicition, an alcoholism. As tobacco. Loving does not save. However...

Our Back Yard: Then & Now, by Stephen Poleskie

  Taking Another Fall   by Stephen Poleskie Columnist At the end of my previous column I had implied that I might write about some of my other falls in the next issue. At the time I did not know that this was going to be Ragazine’s final issue. I thought to...

Our Back Yard: Jim Palombo/Politics

  TRUTH AND TRUST – Through the glass darkly    by James Palombo Politics Editor I was watching the news – democrats and republicans going back and forth about the whistleblower report and the phone call transcript tied to President Trump’s conversation with...
Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash; U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong & Macau *** Hong Kong, Neo-Colonialism and the poison pill of identity   By Fabia Chenivesse-Wong Columnist Identity is a contradictory notion. We use it to signify the objective – the...