Our Back Yard: Jim Palombo/Politics

  TRUTH AND TRUST – Through the glass darkly    by James Palombo Politics Editor I was watching the news – democrats and republicans going back and forth about the whistleblower report and the phone call transcript tied to President Trump’s conversation with...
Primer to the Primaries/Redux

Primer to the Primaries/Redux

Ronda Darby photo/Unsplash *** Primer for the Primaries Redux   by James Palombo Politics Editor With only several changes, this is a reprint of an article done six years ago, at the outset of Obama’s second run. The reason for the repeat is that the ideological...

Jim Palombo/Politics

  Holiday Contrasts by Jim Palombo Politics Editor T here are two dumps located in this area of Mexico, one in the vicinity of San Miguel Allende, and the other, about 30 miles away, is near the city of Dolores Hidalgo. I’ve had the experience of visiting both...

Jim Palombo/Politics

  Sides of the times   by J. Palombo W hat a crazy time. It’s too often that I’m feeling sick to my stomach, nauseous while listening to and watching the circus that has become our Congress. Men and women from our lumbering two-party system developing...
James Palombo/Politics

James Palombo/Politics

*** The Essence of the Flip   By James Palombo     Politics Editor  In watching the news over the past weeks I was struck by a reference to President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen and the possibility that he may “flip” on his most cherished client. In...