Our Back Yard: Then & Now, by Stephen Poleskie

  Taking Another Fall   by Stephen Poleskie Columnist At the end of my previous column I had implied that I might write about some of my other falls in the next issue. At the time I did not know that this was going to be Ragazine’s final issue. I thought to...
Then and Now/Steve Poleskie

Then and Now/Steve Poleskie

Photo by photo-nic.co.uk nic on Unsplash ***   Our Falls   by Stephen Poleskie There are few among us who can say that they have never fallen in some way or another at least once in their lives. When we were children falls were quite common, but usually not...
Steve Poleskie/Then & Now

Steve Poleskie/Then & Now

US Air Force photo Boeing B-17, aka, The Flying Fortress on a bombing run during World War II *** Bombing In America   by Stephen Poleskie Columnist Will there be a war with Iran, or won’t there? Do they have nuclear devices? If so, do they have missiles capable...
Steve Poleskie/Then and Now

Steve Poleskie/Then and Now

Me, Mom, and Meritocracy   Stephen Poleskie Columnist There has been a lot of coverage in the media recently about parents who will do anything it takes, legal or not, to get their child into a top ranked school. I must confess that many years ago my mother used...
Steve Poleskie/Then and Now

Steve Poleskie/Then and Now

Calais View Lighthouse Church Belfry     Eating Peas in Calais   by Stephen Poleskie Columnist My friend and I were talking about our travels. I don’t go anywhere anymore, for reasons I have related in a previous Ragazine article, though I like to...