Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash; U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong & Macau *** Hong Kong, Neo-Colonialism and the poison pill of identity   By Fabia Chenivesse-Wong Columnist Identity is a contradictory notion. We use it to signify the objective – the...
The Age of Jackals/Henry A. Giroux

The Age of Jackals/Henry A. Giroux

*** Let’s Shut Down the Authoritarian Machine   Summary: In an age of fascist politics, we must fight the emergence of apocalyptic nationalism and racist authoritarianism. “We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in...

Critical Thinking Under Political Gun

  If Classrooms Are “Free of Politics,” the Right Wing Will Grow   by Henry A. Giroux This article previously appeared in Truthout.  It is reprinted here with permission of the author.   A disconcerting number of academics and teachers in the current moment...

In Considering That Words Matter

  In Considering that Words Matter    by James Palombo T he title of this brief piece speaks for itself – that words matter is a notion with which we’ve become quite familiar. Unfortunately, given the level of vitriol and malevolence coming from all angles...