L’avventura: A long poem by Dwayne Barrick

  A poem after the Antonioni film L’avventura by Dwayne Barrick           L’avventura                              1 You would too like Monica Vitti as Claudia in Michelangelo Antonioni’s L’avventura with her impressionable and oval face not a classic...
Our Back Yard/Orazio Salati, Artist

Our Back Yard/Orazio Salati, Artist

ORAZIO SALATI Transient Memory | Oil, Wax,Tar on Panel | 72” x 36” *** Visual Conversations   by Sharon Ball Arts Writer in Upstate New York’s Southern Tier & NPR Cultural Editor Painting is the way Orazio Salati has expressed himself since he and his family...
John Michael Flynn/Travel in Russia’s Far East

John Michael Flynn/Travel in Russia’s Far East

Photo courtesy of the author  Khabarovsk prepares for the annual Ice Fantasy festival. *** Bags, Babushka And Bivayet   by John Michael Flynn Contributing Writer Mid-September, 2015, at one of two baggage carousels at Novy airport in Khabarovsk, capital city of...
In The Trees/Fiction

In The Trees/Fiction

Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash *** In the Trees   by Britnee Meiser Contributor It was the summer of the cicadas. Usually I liked to walk around barefoot, to lie in the grass beneath the great oaks to evade the reach of the July sun’s sweltering rays. I’d...
A. J. Fries/Artist

A. J. Fries/Artist

The Incident #1 | 48×60 | oil on canvas *** A. J. Fries | In The Mind of the Beholder   Artist’s Statement This ongoing series started with simple portraits of the toys I remembered from childhood, evoking the nostalgia and celebrating the simplistic...