L’avventura: A long poem by Dwayne Barrick

  A poem after the Antonioni film L’avventura by Dwayne Barrick           L’avventura                              1 You would too like Monica Vitti as Claudia in Michelangelo Antonioni’s L’avventura with her impressionable and oval face not a classic...
Hustlers: Movie Review by Margot Parmenter

Hustlers: Movie Review by Margot Parmenter

Photo credit: STXENTERTAINMENT.COM Scene from Hustlers     In Hustlers, Women Tell the Story   by Margot Parmenter Film Reviewer With Hustlers, writer-director Lorene Scafaria manages to make a story about a gang of strippers who drug and defraud men...
Lotta Lemetti/Photography

Lotta Lemetti/Photography

Lotta filming for her video, Kekta. *** Lotta Lemetti: In Search of Polycultural Identity   Known as a versatile and prolific photographer highly skilled in both digital and analog, Lotta Lemetti has sustained and contributed significantly to the field for years....
Ready or Not: Film review by Madeline Dulabaum

Ready or Not: Film review by Madeline Dulabaum

PHOTO: COURTESY OF 20TH CENTURY FOX FILM CORPORATION       Ready or Not: Here Come the Feminists   by Madeline Dulabaum Film Reviewer Aslender young woman dressed in a formal white wedding gown stands at the center of the posters for the 2019 horror flick...
Pyro: A memoir of California/Creative Nonfiction

Pyro: A memoir of California/Creative Nonfiction

Photo by Andy Watkins on Unsplash *** Pyro: a memoir of California   by Gregory Von Dare My workday day began at 6:00 a.m. After the clock-in, my first task was to open a six-foot tall safe. That hulk was painted fire-engine red, and its walls were three-inches thick...