Our Back Yard: Jim Palombo/Politics

  TRUTH AND TRUST – Through the glass darkly    by James Palombo Politics Editor I was watching the news – democrats and republicans going back and forth about the whistleblower report and the phone call transcript tied to President Trump’s conversation with...
Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash; U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong & Macau *** Hong Kong, Neo-Colonialism and the poison pill of identity   By Fabia Chenivesse-Wong Columnist Identity is a contradictory notion. We use it to signify the objective – the...
Primer to the Primaries/Redux

Primer to the Primaries/Redux

Ronda Darby photo/Unsplash *** Primer for the Primaries Redux   by James Palombo Politics Editor With only several changes, this is a reprint of an article done six years ago, at the outset of Obama’s second run. The reason for the repeat is that the ideological...
The American Empire Comes Home/Commentary

The American Empire Comes Home/Commentary

    *** Black With Purple Marbling   by Lilvia Soto Contributing Writer Black with purple marbling is what you would expect a typical American teenage girl to choose. That was one of my daughter’s favorite colors when she was an adolescent. Now I have a...
Henry A. Giroux/Commentary

Henry A. Giroux/Commentary

Photo by geralt (Pixabay) President Donald Trump   The Ghost of Fascism in the Age of Trump   By Henry A. Giroux  Contributing Editor *** In the age of Trump, history neither informs the present nor haunts it with repressed memories of the past. It simply...