L’avventura: A long poem by Dwayne Barrick

  A poem after the Antonioni film L’avventura by Dwayne Barrick           L’avventura                              1 You would too like Monica Vitti as Claudia in Michelangelo Antonioni’s L’avventura with her impressionable and oval face not a classic...

Tricks of Lights/Poetry Book Review

REVIEW   Tricks of Light: New and Selected Poems by Thad Rutkowski, (New York: Great Weather for Media, 2020) Publication date: April 6, 2020 $18.00 ISBN: 978-0-9981440-7-8 Paperback, 100 pages   By Jim Feast Readers know from poems in Thad Rutkowski’s delightful...

Alan Britt

IT’S NOT OVER TILL WE SAY IT’S OVER   That’s why they’re called safety matches; duck your head before striking. That’s when the tarnished Indian elephant coin bank with iron-stripped flathead screw divorced both ribcages spilling wheat pennies, buffaloes, Mercury...

Miriam O’Neal/Poetry Book Review

          Carolyn Welch The Garden of Fragile Beings (2019) Finishing Line Press The Garden of Fragile Beings by Carolyn Welch ISBN:978-1- 63534-736-4 6” X 9”, paperback, 88 pages ($19.99)     A Way of Blossoming    Review by Miriam...

Laura Boss/Poetry

THIS THANKSGIVING   This Thanksgiving my husband and I went to Atlanta       to spend Thursday through Sunday       with his very caring daughter Jim and I had gotten up at 3:20 a.m. and were       at the airport by 5 My new husband ( not so different       from...