A. J. Fries/Artist

A. J. Fries/Artist

The Incident #1 | 48×60 | oil on canvas *** A. J. Fries | In The Mind of the Beholder   Artist’s Statement This ongoing series started with simple portraits of the toys I remembered from childhood, evoking the nostalgia and celebrating the simplistic...

Our Back Yard: Jim Palombo/Politics

  TRUTH AND TRUST – Through the glass darkly    by James Palombo Politics Editor I was watching the news – democrats and republicans going back and forth about the whistleblower report and the phone call transcript tied to President Trump’s conversation with...
Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

Photo by Joseph Chan on Unsplash; U.S. Consulate General in Hong Kong & Macau *** Hong Kong, Neo-Colonialism and the poison pill of identity   By Fabia Chenivesse-Wong Columnist Identity is a contradictory notion. We use it to signify the objective – the...

Henry Giroux/Political Commentary

  Depoliticization: Deadly Weapon of Neoliberal Fascism   by Henry Giroux Contributing Writer Increasingly, Americans live in an era in which every aspect of society displays symptoms of political, economic and ethical impoverishment. This condition extends...
Cynthia Karalla’s “Read Rose”

Cynthia Karalla’s “Read Rose”

Read Rose, A work in process *** The Flowering of a Socio-Political Statement Read Rose, by Cynthia Karalla   by Pauline Joelle Reviewer Thousands of pages of the notorious Mueller Report, combined with a variety of recycled materials, give birth to these...