Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

How a city looks and what it represents depends on where you stand, and such is the case with Hong Kong. From the perspective of many Westerners, Hong Kong is a gateway to the Orient: a jumping off point for travelers to Southeast Asia, with a glittering airport replete with European luxury goods, where exquisite cuisine gives way to a raucous night-life. It is a free-market capitalist’s paradise where English is a common language, there is rule of law and sufficient institutional stability for investment.

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In search of… /Fabia Wong

The fair result of any negotiation is premised upon an equality of arms that simply does not exist in the justice system. Effective defense advocacy – whether at the bargaining table or before a jury – requires a command of the details of a case. It is expensive and unavailable to the majority of accused persons. On the flip side, as illustrated by the deal struck by Mr. Epstein’s counsel, those with the resources can force a lopsided result using political pressure or other objectionable means. Negotiations reduce what is supposed to be an impartial procedure to an arm-wrestling match, rigged in favour of whomever has the heavier billfold.

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Galanty Miller’s Re-tweets

I’m an involved parent and I’m concerned about the people educating my kids. That’s why I actively follow my son’s teacher’s eHarmony site./ I went on a blind date with a lovely woman, though I thought it was weird when she started to hit our waiter with a red flag.

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Fabia Wong/In Search Of…

Fabia Wong/In Search Of…

Photo by Mathieu-Perrier/Unsplash ** Notre-Dame de Paris and a reflection on Progress   by Fabia Chenivesse-Wong Columnist he bishop of Paris commissioned the construction of Notre-Dame de Paris in the...

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Steve Poleskie/Then & Now

Steve Poleskie/Then & Now

How many innocent civilians have been killed by our military drone strikes?  Many of these MQ-9 Reaper drones, on combat and surveillance missions over Afghanistan, are remotely piloted by members of the 174th Attack Wing based at Hancock Field, just a short drive up Route 81 in Syracuse, New York. How must it feel to go home to your wife and kids in Mattydale after just having destroyed, by mistaking them for a group of Taliban, a wedding party of innocent Afghan civilians?

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Primer to the Primaries/Redux

Primer to the Primaries/Redux

The ideological struggles noted speak to the tensions between economic and social (wo)man that have existed throughout human history.  In other words, it’s always been a contest over how to best manage the two elements tied to human nature.  Whatever systems might develop, this is something to keep in mind, particularly given that some form of capitalism may best serve the contemporary interests of both social and economic man.

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Songs for Ingrid

      Songs for Ingrid   Selected by Fred Roberts Music Editor     Category: Don't tell Ingrids to smile Song Title: Ingrid Won't Smile Artist: Milk White White Teeth Year: 2010 Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DgpsLumrms   Category: Ingrid...

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