Mark Levy/Casual Observer

Mark Levy/Casual Observer

How about this one? You can risk sudden or severe changes in mood or behavior, like feeling anxious, agitated, panicky, irritable, hostile, aggressive, impulsive, severely restless, hyperactive, overly excited, or even suicidal, in an effort to treat what ailment? Ironically, it’s depression, and Paxil and Wellbutrin are the medications. So if you are depressed, these medications can solve your problems by provoking suicide. Logical, I think, but extreme.

Mark Levy/Casual Observer

Mark Levy/Casual Observer

In the last 62 years since I acquired my permanent teeth, I estimate I’ve had 177 cleanings, some more vigorous than others, but don’t get me started. Cleanings now average between $75 and $200, the average being $127. I’m already ahead of the game, because Julie charges me only $125 per session. Even at that conservative figure, I’ve spent more than $22,000 on cleanings. That’s what you would expect to pay for a 1983 Lamborghini with auto-glide, to put things in perspective.

Mark Levy/Casual Observer

Mark Levy/Casual Observer

Restaurants don’t offer early bird specials here in Colorado. That’s unfortunate, because I got used to them on South Beach. And speaking of the beach, there aren’t nearly as many bikinis here. In fact, I haven’t seen one of them since August.

The Starving Artist/Legal

The Starving Artist/Legal

Now, let’s consider everyone else’s intellectual property rights. When creating your campaign content, be careful not to infringe the intellectual property rights of others. If you intend to use a song, lyrics, or other potentially copyrighted material, for example, it is best to contact each copyright owner (there may be multiple copyright owners even for one work), and obtain permission to use the work. If you intend to use a name or logo in your campaign, be sure to perform a trademark search on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website (

Casual Observer/Mark Levy

Casual Observer/Mark Levy

A fellow named Jerry Hill got the ball rolling on middle names. He thought Middle Name Pride Day would be a good time for us to call each other by our middle names. The only people whose middle name I know are dead and it seems disrespectful to refer to the deceased by his or her middle name.

Mark Levy/Casual Observer

Mark Levy/Casual Observer

I’ve been spending time in my doctor’s office lately, not because I’m sick or injured, but because I’m one of the few patients of his who’s insured. See, he’s got two kids in college and a Ferrari that is only three payments from being paid off. So he really needs me more than I need him and we both know it…