On Location/France

  From Paris to Washington : new deal for artwork   by Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret Contributing Columnist he "Women House" exhibition co-produced by the Monnaie de Paris and the Washington National...

On Location/France

      Cayo Scheyven : liberté et amour (Cayo Scheyven : freedom and love)   by Jean-Paul Gavard PerretContributing Columnist Cayo Scheyven est une artiste d’origine néeralandaise. Elle est le parfait exemple d’une artiste libre qui se moque des...

On Location/France

  Jan Fabre : jardins des délices er rebuffades   Jan Favre, « Folklore Sexuel Belge » et « Mer du Nord Sexuelle Belge » Galerie Templon, Grenier Saint Lazare Paris, France du 17 mai au 21 juillet 2018 Jan Fabre a est un artiste iconoclaste d’exception. Il a...

On Location/France

On Location/France

    Elizabeth Prouvost: Before the light – Mixed up confusion   Elizabeth Prouvost, Claude Louis Combet, "Born from the Limon", Fata Morgana, Fontfroide the High, 2018. (Elizabeth Prouvost, Claude Louis Combet, "Né du limon", Fata Morgana, Fontfroide le...

On Location/France

On Location/France

Andelu painter in Vallauris: When reality flies   by Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret Contributing Editor ith Andelu the space of the  the picture is decomposed as blown by a contagious  sphere of influence. The...

Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret/On Location-France

Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret/On Location-France

Q: What film make you cry?
A: I’m unreasonably empathetic towards people I’ll never meet, and easily sucked in to a great film. There’s many films that have made me cry. They aren’t always tears of sadness. Beauty can quite often bring me to tears. Off the top of my head, I’d have to say anything that Wong Kar-wai and Christopher Doyle did together. Especially “In the Mood for Love”, and “Chungking Express”.

On Location/France

On Location/France

©Marc Rogoff www.marcrogoff.com *** Marc Rogoff  Interview: From Bosch to Hopper   by Jean-Paul Gavard-Perret Contributing Columnist   Marc Rogoff : The Capgras Invocation, London, 2016 With "The Capgras Invocation" Marc Rogoff invents a story where there...

On Location/France

Q) What is the first image you remember ?

A) … when I was 12-13 years old near my school was small shoemaker shop, he was selling illegal hand made black and white photographies of rock stars, porno and erotic playing cards printed on old B&W photographic paper. This erotic image is still in my mind…

On Location/France

On Location/France

Hilja Keading: I work every second of every day, but I don’t think of it as work. I like the way Lewis Hyde writes about the difference between work and labor. And you know what they say, if you love what you do, it is not work. A few years ago we moved into a house where we converted an old stable in the back into two small studios. I am just now beginning to be fully present wherever I am. Before, when I was in the kitchen I used to think “I should be in the studio.” Or if I was in the studio, I would think “I should be cleaning up the house.” Now, I just trust that I am in the right place at the right time.

On Location/France

On Location/France

© ANNE BARLINCHKOFF Images , used with permission In the Name of Love   by Jean-Paul Gavard-Perrett Contributing Columnist With translations by Helene Gaillet de Neergaard     [dropcap style="font-size: 46px; color:...

On Location/France

On Location/France

Lisa Beck's installation in Lausanne, Switzerland. The Middle of Everywhere Lisa Beck, "The Middle of Everywhere" proposition de Caroline Soyez-Petithomme du 6 juin au 11 juillet 2015 Circuit, centre d’art contemporain, Lausanne....