Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

Fabia Wong/In Search Of …

How a city looks and what it represents depends on where you stand, and such is the case with Hong Kong. From the perspective of many Westerners, Hong Kong is a gateway to the Orient: a jumping off point for travelers to Southeast Asia, with a glittering airport replete with European luxury goods, where exquisite cuisine gives way to a raucous night-life. It is a free-market capitalist’s paradise where English is a common language, there is rule of law and sufficient institutional stability for investment.

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OUR BACK YARD: Na Chainkua  (Chainky) Reindorf/Artist Interview

OUR BACK YARD: Na Chainkua (Chainky) Reindorf/Artist Interview

My work is informed and inspired by the visual language of West African textiles and the custom of using these textiles as a means of communication. I am equally fascinated by our widespread relationship with textiles almost exclusively as objects with specific functions. The work I make aims to alter our experience with, and reliance on, these materials as utilitarian by rendering them as meaningful aesthetic objects to be encountered…

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In search of… /Fabia Wong

The fair result of any negotiation is premised upon an equality of arms that simply does not exist in the justice system. Effective defense advocacy – whether at the bargaining table or before a jury – requires a command of the details of a case. It is expensive and unavailable to the majority of accused persons. On the flip side, as illustrated by the deal struck by Mr. Epstein’s counsel, those with the resources can force a lopsided result using political pressure or other objectionable means. Negotiations reduce what is supposed to be an impartial procedure to an arm-wrestling match, rigged in favour of whomever has the heavier billfold.

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Navigating Sicily/Travel

Navigating Sicily/Travel

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash ***  Navigating Sicily   by Carol Severino Contributing Writer s an Italian American (half Sicilian, one-quarter Neapolitan) who takes Italian courses and...

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The Age of Jackals/Henry A. Giroux

The Age of Jackals/Henry A. Giroux

What must be remembered here is that neoliberal fascism cannot be understood narrowly as simply an economic system. It also functions as a form of public pedagogy and mode of persuasion and rationality intent on naturalizing its own worldview. Most importantly, it works through a range of cultural apparatuses to depoliticize by colonizing justifiable forms of mass anger and redirecting them into cesspools of hatred aimed at those populations considered disposable.

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